Friday, February 27, 2015

Real Alcázar, Sevilla part 1

Our internet connection is slow so I am going to post the Alcázar images in a few batches. Here are a selection of ceilings and walls! Interestingly, in the gift shop are some beautiful scarves, neckties and other items which have made good use of these designs. It is sure easy to see why quilters find these geometric patterns so compelling.

This is all examples of Mudéjar (a decorative style attributed to Islamic architecture but executed under Christian rule. 
The Real Alcázar was founded as a fort by the Moors in 913 and has been renovated and restored many times since. It has been one of the royal palaces since the Christian conquest of Sevilla in 1248 (almost 150 years before Granada capitulated to Isabel and Ferdinand).
I will post photos of the gardens and other fabulous bits next!

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