Sunday, March 1, 2015

The cathedral of Seville

The penultimate posting from Seville, Spain... I am writing this while Lloyd prepares our Sunday dinner of leftover potatoes and pasta along with cooking up the last of the chicken slices. I've made a salad and used up all the veggies. The big flavouring agent is a sprig of rosemary that Lloyd pinched from the cathedral garden yesterday. We have found that one of the biggest challenges cooking here is not having our usual collection of herbs and spices at the ready... Speaking of the cathedral, we finally visited it yesterday...the third largest cathedral in the world. 

Christopher Columbus' tomb is here... This inveterate traveler's body was moved several times before finally resting here in this monumental sarcophagus held up by pall bearers:

Lloyd had a good time taking some interesting photos:

As did I...I love seeing a marble sculpture representing fabric. This is a 19th C sculpture in one of the many chapels:

We climbed the bell tower which is built atop of the original minaret, one of the few parts of the original mosque. It was a great climb because the only stairs were at the very top! The ascent is a ramp, designed so that the muezzin could ride his horse up to the top five times a day to call the faithful to prayer. Here is one of the bells:

And the views:

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